Resep: Black Sweet Martabak Choco Cheese yang Sempurna

Lezat, Gurih dan Yummy.

Black Sweet Martabak Choco Cheese. Indonesia Street Food - Chocolate and Cheese Martabak Manis. . . . . . . . tags: Sweet food sweet street food sweet Indonesia street food street food street food Indonesia street food Indonesia . flour, sugar, chocolate chips, ground peanuts, grated cheddar cheese, condense mil Indonesian Sweet Martabak is sweet street food or snack from Indonesia. It looks like a giant pancake with crisp edges where it is generously topped with chocolate chips, ground peanuts, grated cheddar cheese and condense milk. Resep Black Sweet Martabak Choco Cheese.

Black Sweet Martabak Choco Cheese Martabak Bangka will showcase the beauty of Bangka island, which is famous for its beaches and underwater adventures, the producer said. Bangka island is located in east Sumatra, and is about a. This is a very popular sweet treat in Indonesia. Bunda dapat memasak Black Sweet Martabak Choco Cheese menggunakan 7 bumbu dan dalam 9 tahapan. Begini cara menyiapkan makanannya.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk Black Sweet Martabak Choco Cheese

  1. Olah terigu serbaguna + 2 sdm susu bubuk + 1 sdm coklat bubuk sebanyak 115 gr.
  2. Siapkan maizena sebanyak 1 sdm.
  3. Siapkan gulpas sebanyak 50 gr.
  4. Bunda dapat menyiapkan garam sebanyak 1/4 sdt.
  5. Olah soda kue sebanyak 1 sdt.
  6. Siapkan vanili sebanyak 1/2 sdt.
  7. Siapkan air mateng + skm coklat 1/2 sch sebanyak 175 ml.

Every one loves Martabak Manis, a very thick "pancake" with the traditional filling are chocolate sprinkle, crush peanut, sesame seed, condense milk combine in one or cheese and condense milk. This recipe a little bit tricky because it should have a tiny hollow. Indonesian sweet martabak is the best recipe for foodies. If it is the favorite recipe of your favorite restaurants then you can also make indonesian sweet martabak at your home.

Langkah-langkah Untuk Black Sweet Martabak Choco Cheese

  1. Campur semua bahan kecuali soda kue, beri campuran skm dan air sedikit2 sampai tercampur rata tidak bergerindil.
  2. Panaskan teflon tanpa dioles apapun,api kecil ya.
  3. Campur soda kue pada adonan aduk rata lalu tuang pada teflon yang sudah panas. Ratakan dg di putar2 teflonnya.
  4. Tunggu sampai berlubang banyak beri taburan gula sedikit, lalu tutup n tunggu sampai mateng.
  5. Angkat lalu oles butter beri messes,keju parut n skm putih,lalu tutupkan oles butter lagi permukaannya.
  6. Potong2 n siap di santap.
  7. Pas banget nih bikine pas hujan.
  8. Simple n yummy.
  9. Mari mom's.

This one here is a sweet martabak. Spread the chocolate sprinkle and followed by the shredded cheese. After that, Pour the condensed milk on top of other toppings. Cut the Terang Bulan into half and fold it. You can spread a bit of margarine on top of the Terang Bulan to moist the surface.