Martabak Indomie Salt Egg. [Rajanya Jajanan!!]REAKSI ORANG KOREA MAKAN MARTABAK PERTAMA KALI!!마르타박 시식기!! Since its launch in August, Indomie's Salted Egg Flavour mee goreng has gone viral. Because, well, it's Indomie — with salted egg.
Indomie's Salted Egg coats the curly noodles with a creamy and slightly-salty sauce that isn't too overpowering. You can easily whip this up when you want a quick-fix to salty cravings. Just in case you want a complete or heftier meal, we recommend adding bits of crispy bacon, fried garlic. Bunda dapat memasak Martabak Indomie Salt Egg menggunakan 6 bumbu dan dalam 4 tahapan. Begini cara menyiapkan makanannya.
Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk Martabak Indomie Salt Egg
- Olah indomie saltegg sebanyak 1 bks.
- Siapkan sosis kecil potong2 sebanyak 2 buah.
- Olah telur ayam kocok lepas sebanyak 3 btr.
- Olah daun bawang kecil potong2 sebanyak 2 btg.
- Siapkan garam sebanyak secukupnya.
- Bunda dapat menyiapkan lada sebanyak secukupnya.
Indomie's absolutely perfect on its own. But add the divine salted egg to it? And thankfully, that's not the case for this bowl of Salted Egg Indomie Noodles. With a rich aroma that wafts through to your nostrils, it's a fragrance far, far away from any a durian might produce.
Langkah-langkah Untuk Martabak Indomie Salt Egg
- Rebus indomie sesuai petunjuk,sisihkan.
- Campur indomie yang sudah matang dgn sosis,daun bawang,garam,lada dan telur kocok.Aduk rata.
- Panaskan teflon(saya gunakan teflon mini).
- Tuang 1 sendok sayur kedalam teflon..masak sampai matang.Ulangi sampai habis.Sajikan..
Oh, they've also launched their latest sharing pot of. If you eat Indomie on a regular basis, they launched a Salted Egg Flavour back in August. It went viral and Sporeans went absolutely nuts because it I love you Indomie. Thanks for bringing in your Salted Egg Noodles to Singapore. Indomie Salted Egg Flavour Where to buy: All.